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A chilling domestic drama that blends psychological suspense with a touch of modern horror from a new, brilliantly imaginative master. The lives of the Barretts, a normal suburban New England family, are torn apart when fourteen-year-old Marjorie begins to display signs of acute schizophrenia.To her parents' despair, the doctors are unable to stop Marjorie's bizarre outbursts and subsequent descent into madness. As their home devolves into a house...
Finally, the truth is revealed!
In every generation, people have asked the question, "Who is the Antichrist?" Can we identify who he is? Does the Word of God have that answer? There has been much speculation over the hundreds of years who that person is or might be. Finally, a compelling and revealing revelation who the real Antichrist is, Will the Real Antichrist Please Stand Up!
Just as my literary agent, Paul, who started me on this journey by...
God has an urgent word for His people today so that, like the men of Issachar, we understand the times and know what we should do. What He wants to speak to us is apparent in the Bible when we consider it through the perspective of the 7 Days of Creation.
And His word is this - we are fast approaching the end where we will be tested in unprecedented ways. We therefore need to equip ourselves now in our fellowship groups so that we can uphold one...
The Apocalypse Puzzle is written for serious Bible students who choose to let Scripture speak to them rather than making it say what they think it should. This book compares the study of prophecy to the endeavors of a jigsaw puzzle enigmatologist. Many pieces must be carefully considered and assembled to form the intended picture. There are strategies for assembly that reduce mystery and frustration. The Creator of the picture is God who meant for...
Why would I write about this subject when so many have already covered it?
Because God has charged me to write it.
You have not read my version with my research.
There are Christians and nonbelievers that need to hear this message. This is one of my ways I hope to reach out to encourage and educate Christians and non-Christians alike on the return of Christ Jesus.
According to research done by Mark Hitchcock, close to one-third of the Bible is...
Do the scriptures support a secret Rapture to rescue the Church before the tribulation of the last days, or do believers need to prepare to face a time of persecution that will test their faith?
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus Christ will Rapture away believers from the earth before the tribulation of the last days. Many others believe the Church will go through the tribulation and meet Christ in the air at His Second Coming. How do faithful...
Writing from the perspective that the coming of God's kingdom is both present and future, Hoekema covers the full range of eschatological topics in this comprehensive biblical exposition. The two major sections of the book deal with inaugurated eschatology (the "already") and future eschatology (the "not yet"). Detailed appendix, bibliography, and indexes.
Church in Prophecy Today, the rapture of the church is one of the most disputed end-time topics in all the scriptures. No other end-time doctrine has divided the church more than this subject of the rapture. We have made this all about timing, rather than his return. Many are preoccupied with and distracted by their own particular prediction. The purpose of this book is not to refute one position in favor of another, but to come against the church's...
Warning! Warning! Warning!
Major changes are imminent at the door. This is not a drill. Don't poke your head in the sand.
Urgent preparation is required for the soon-coming tribulation transition. Souls who are lost should trust the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christians should draw closer to God.
During this time of trouble, the human life span will increase, but this will be offset by cataclysmic disasters and torment. War, multiple massive...
Tritle confronts the secular and religious alarmists by addressing the threshold-ism of impending world doom, as well as escapism and pessimism regarding the success of the Church's gospel message that are associated with such teachings. On the contrary, our futures are filled with great hope based on the Word of God itself. This is good news for both Christians and non-Christians alike.
Tritle specifically addresses questions concerning the last...
We are closer now to Christ's return. God wants to reach out to a generation of lost souls. The Forgettable: Through Jeremiah is a reminder of how closely today's world is related to the Israelites in the book of Jeremiah-from the 2016 presidential election to wars to the damages caused by sin in the way society lives. God's love for us is more than enough to lead us to righteousness. This book is an end-time tool to get believers ready and nonbelievers...
How can the Bible be correct when it tells us that the world is only 6,000 years old? Does the fossil record really support the theory of evolution? Was Jesus mistaken when he said that he would return within the lifetime of his hearers? Will unbelievers be tortured in ames forever by an unmerciful God?
In this second book of his controversial and challenging series, Z: The Final Generation, research scientist and theologian ARNOLD V PAGE answers...
As documented in this book, the most persistent challenge by skeptics hostile to the Bible and Christianity is that Jesus did not return when He promised-within the lifetimes of his followers. Indeed, there are over 100 passages in the New Testament clearly declaring: (1) that the writers of the New Testament themselves were in the "last days," and (2) that Jesus would return while some of his disciples were still alive, in fulfillment of all that...
Messiah's Last Call is a prophetic message to all people's and all nations. We are the generation that will welcome our saviour the King of Kings and like no other generation before us it is time for the bride of Christ to prepare herself and make herself ready, for very soon we that have heard and obeyed the gospel will hear the shout "Behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him" some will be ready and some will not, those that are ready will...
What does the future hold for Generation Z, the current crop of children and young people? Nothing less than the most exciting event in history! In this controversial and powerfully argued book, researcher and Bible teacher Arnold V Page contends that Z, the final letter of the alphabet, will also be the final generation that grows to adulthood before Jesus Christ returns to establish justice, peace and righteousness throughout the earth.
Did someone say the world is going to end this week? Every time we turn around someone is predicting the end of the world. Whether it is the Maya calendar, a UFO sighting, or someone with a computer program and the Bible, we constantly face cries of doom. But what does the Bible actually say about the apocalypse? This book takes an engaging look at what the Bible says about prophecy and then examines instances of people predicting an end of the world...
In Search of Antichrist, explores the mystery of the Antichrist as an individual. It compares the mystery person to Christ and finds surprising similarities. Much of the text explores the original writings of one of the original disciples of the early Church. Hippolytus of Rome is the Dead Man of Rome who discovered the identity of the Antichrist. Was he correct? Explore it and see. You will be surprised.
This book is an anthology of articles that I have written over the past three years. My goal was to organize a book that explained future events foretold in the Bible in a way that was enjoyable and easy to read as well as theologically sound. As the great Christian author A.W. Tozer said, "Some books claiming to be exhaustive are only exhausting to read." As we consider the coming events foretold in the Word, the effect is a powerful binder on our...
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