Williams Haynes
SCOTTISH and IRISH TERRIERS "DIEHARD" and "DAREDEVIL" By William Haynes A VINTAGE DOG BOOKS CLASSIC REPRINT This scarce early work on the Scottish and Irish Terrier was first published in 1912 and revised in 1925. It is now very expensive and hard to find in any edition. VINTAGE DOG BOOKS have republished the 1925 book, using the original text and vintage photographs, as part of their CLASSIC BREED BOOKS series. The book consists of one hundred and...
THE BULL TERRIER By Williams Haynes A VINTAGE DOG BOOKS CLASSIC REPRINT Originally published in 1912, this extremely scarce early work on the Bull Terrier is both expensive and hard to find in its first edition. VINTAGE DOG BOOKS have republished it, using the original text as part of their CLASSIC BREED BOOKS series. The author was a much respected authority on various breeds of dogs, but favoured the Bull Terrier above all. Written in the author's...