Niki Daly
This classic South African story is a universal tale about the caring relationship between a child and grandparent.
"The setting is South Africa and the names of the people are like poetry: Uzuti, Mongi, Mr. Motiki. Malusi is now old enough to accompany his grandmother, Gogo, into the city to shop. She is an old womanample, proud, not quite in step with modern technology, and she is no longer moves quickly. Malusi (Songololo to his grandmother) helps...
2) The Hop
A small toad named Tad is in grave danger.
Rumbler, a monstrous earth-eating machine, is poised to destroy his home, Toadville-by-Tumbledown. The green grass, the blue pond-everything Tad knows might disappear.
It is foretold that one brave young toad can help-but at a terrible price. Only if a toad kisses a human girl will Toadville be saved. Tad is called to rise to the challenge, disgusting though it seems. In the company of his best friend Buuurk,...